CRO mandate: AEQUITA to Become New Owner of the IFA Group
Joint success requires a structured concept, solid project management, quantifiable measures and mutual trust. Our integrated consulting approach – which encompasses strategy as well as the implementation phase for the overall project – offers you measurable added value. Our teams will be pleased to handle the overall project management process – in close cooperation with your company’s managers.
Together with you, we will shape changes and get your company back on track for success. Where necessary, our consultants will take charge of things, e.g. as an interim manager or CRO.
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Case study Restructuring
Location and restructuring concept for an MDAX company’s equity investment.
Implementation of personnel measures
Companies in the energy sector have to reinvent their business models in order to successfully meet the challenges of the energy transition and digitalization.
For the purpose of an objective assessment of a company’s business situation and financial position, an IBR enables a rapid and independent analysis of its business model as well as its structure and situation. It provides the necessary transparency and a reliable basis for prudent decision-making. We will prepare an in-depth IBR for you – rapidly and discreetly.
Haselhorst Associates will assist you with the preparation of a reorganization report, assess your company’s business potential and develop an effective action plan. Our reorganization reports are fully compliant with the requirements of the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany’s audit standard S6, provide transparency and present ways out of a crisis. We will define a path in order to return your company to operational and financial stability. We will naturally also assist with the operational implementation phase.
A well-organized purchasing department plays a key role in safeguarding a company’s competitiveness. This is particularly true in an age shaped by the internationalization of markets, where material costs account for a growing proportion of overall expenditure and where procurement markets are increasingly volatile. The process of digital transformation is also increasingly significant in this respect. We will assist you with the strategic realignment of your purchasing organization. We will identify the relevant levers and assist you with the operational implementation of your project.
Effective cost reduction programs help to avoid a critical situation long before earnings and liquidity problems emerge. Precise knowledge of your business model as well as a detailed overview of your cost structure and processes are prerequisites in order to realize existing potential. On this basis, we will identify appropriate measures, define efficient work packages and assist you during their operational implementation, in order to achieve solid revenue growth.
Any restructuring entails an extensive series of measures. Its economic relevance and the signals which these projects provide for a company’s organizational structure make high demands of its program and project management. With a professional project management office (PMO), we can take charge of the restructuring process. We will make use of a proven methodology, effective tools and the experience which we have gained through a large number of successful projects.
Companies frequently lack the necessary capacities and experience in order to manage a comprehensive restructuring project on their own. For this reason, we are ready to act as a chief restructuring officer (CRO) or interim manager where necessary. Once we have assessed the causes of the crisis and reached agreement on the appropriate measures, we will install a project management office which will handle the execution of the restructuring process as well as related management accounting. We will thus ensure a successful turnaround.
The restructuring of existing locations and the establishment of new locations both require management involvement. Proximity to a company’s markets and its customers – while ensuring cost-neutral and flexible capacity – are the key factors for the development or optimization of a location concept. We will assist you with the drafting of a strategic concept and with changes to existing locations as well as the systematic development of new locations for your company.
Transactions require a great deal of attention and well-founded strategies based on reliable figures – from the operational due diligence via the leverage of potential synergies and the preparation of “day one” to the systematic post-merger integration phase. We will safeguard the success of your transaction by evaluating the plausibility of your business plan as well as appropriately realigning all of the relevant structures and processes. Our team will be pleased to support you throughout the implementation phase.
Strategic concepts are required for any realignment, reorganization or restructuring project and for the design of efficient organizational structures and workflows. We will assist you with the development and implementation of a tailored strategy, drawing upon the experience which we have acquired through various projects as well as our solid methodological competence in the field of project management – from the planning phase, focusing on customers, products and competitors, to management of the overall implementation process.