Launch and establishment of a digitalization program

Client:Company listed on DAX

Sector:Metal/materials trade

Project duration:17 months

Company size:EUR 11.3 billion

Contact:Dr. Jörg Schumacher

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Digital transformation is no longer limited to technologically exposed industries, but also affects traditional business areas such as metal and materials trade. On the one hand, companies in this sector are confronted with very concrete challenges stemming from current digitization trends, on the other hand, they can use digitization to differentiate themselves from their competitors.

The options range from customer and supplier portals to eCommerce solutions or mobile applications, to intelligent connectivity of production machines and far-reaching automation of production. Even the use of self-learning algorithms based on Big Data in inventory and warehouse management is possible.

Implementation of such approaches requires extensive adjustments of organizational structures, business processes and IT systems. In order to be successful, the entire business model must therefore be thought through in the context of digitization and a holistic digitization program must be prepared.


  • Konkretisierung der Digitalisierungsstrategie

  • Detaillierung Gesamtprogramm, Projekte und Teilprojekte

  • Quantifizierung von Kosten- und Ergebniseffekten

  • Aufbau und Controlling des Projektbudgets und Fortschritts

  • Operative Unterstützung des Change Managements


  • Strategiekonzept und interne/externe Kommunikation

  • Ausarbeitung und Abstimmung der Programm-/Projektziele

  • Berechnungen 5-Jahres-Business Case

  • Weiterentwicklung des Projektportfolios/neue Ansätze

  • Projektmanagementoffice und Changemanagement


  • "Buy-in" des Managements zum Digitalisierungsprogramm

  • Ausgewogenes Projektportfolio und Projekt-Pipeline

  • Klare und transparente Projektziele mit quantifiziertem Nutzen

  • Transparenz bzgl. Projektfortschritt, Effekten, Budget und Risiken