[Translate to English:] Whitepaper: CDO auf Zeit

 |  White Paper: The Temporary CDO – An Interim Consulting Approach

White Paper: The Temporary CDO – An Interim Consulting Approach


The Covid-19 pandemic has caused many German companies to realize, with a greater or lesser degree of pain, what experts had already grasped: In order to safeguard their competitiveness, it is essential for firms to digitalize their internal structures and their business models.

Our new white paper illustrates by means of an interim consulting approach how this process can be implemented holistically and systematically. A “temporary CDO” can play a key role in helping organizations to optimally implement this digitalization process. With the help of an experienced team put together by the CDO which is able to get to work straight away, not only will the digitalization of a company proceed “autonomously”; above all, this approach means that workflows will not be disrupted in any way and organizations’ operational capacity will remain intact at all times.